How to Use hurt feelings in a Sentence
hurt feelings
plural noun-
Though there were some hurt feelings at the time, the three women have stayed in touch.
—Lisa Tozzi, Rolling Stone, 8 Nov. 2023
But that doesn’t mean there won’t be some hurt feelings.
—Noel Murray, Vulture, 9 June 2024
One of the best ways to avoid drama and hurt feelings is to be transparent from the jump.
—Dominique Fluker, Essence, 17 Aug. 2023
His tenure with the team was marked by hurt feelings and physical pain.
—Joe Knowles, Chicago Tribune, 5 Dec. 2024
That can go a long way in saving hurt feelings — and saving some money too.
—Victoria Uwumarogie, Essence, 14 June 2023
Hurt and Confused Dear Hurt: Please, don’t question your own hurt feelings.
—Amy Dickinson, Detroit Free Press, 27 Aug. 2023
As the volatile Gemini Moon squares the sensitive Pisces Sun, words said in haste may provoke hurt feelings.
—Tarot Astrologers, Chicago Tribune, 26 Feb. 2023
And in this case, the rejection matters beyond hurt feelings.
—Heather Knight, San Francisco Chronicle, 6 May 2023
So much potential there to have hurt feelings by people that were not picked early.
—Dalton Ross,, 17 Oct. 2024
Being discreet about your travels would also spare you from the burden of your friends’ hurt feelings.
—Amy Dickinson, Detroit Free Press, 2 Mar. 2024
The message is clear: Organizers have gone to great lengths to prevent a traffic jam or hurt feelings at the opening.
—Lawrence Specker |, al, 9 July 2023
This is more like a therapy session due to hurt feelings and hurt pride, than history.
—Mike Coté, National Review, 3 Dec. 2023
In the comments, many people sympathized with the bride's frustration and hurt feelings.
—Erin Clack,, 2 Oct. 2024
In any case, the grandparent without access is likely to be jealous of the other grandparent, adding more hurt feelings to the mix.
—Susan Adcox, Parents, 31 July 2024
This can lead to crew-ground misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
—Discover Magazine, 26 Feb. 2024
No hurt feelings, maybe, but no surprises, either, and nothing to learn from anyone.
—Carolyn Hax, Washington Post, 2 Aug. 2023
There is the likelihood of disagreements, harsh words, hurt feelings and raised voices looming large.
—Deepti Hajela, Fortune Well, 25 Nov. 2024
By standing down, there’s no contact and no chances for arguments, hurt feelings or drama.
—Amy Dickinson, Washington Post, 16 May 2023
And feeling deceived, or protected from the truth, is itself one reason for hurt feelings.
—Kwame Anthony Appiah, New York Times, 21 Apr. 2023
But compromising on your own needs and boundaries isn’t sustainable, and can lead to drama and hurt feelings all around.
—Korin Miller, Women's Health, 9 Mar. 2023
Even if the cat wanted to avenge Tommy’s hurt feelings, why mess that up by killing Carolyn and implicating Tommy?
—Roxana Hadadi, Vulture, 17 July 2024
On the other hand, if your child has already cut ties, family therapy can help work through hurt feelings in a safe, neutral space.
—Fiona Tapp, Parents, 20 Sep. 2024
Colin didn't return for season 5, but Daisy and Gary did, with a fractured relationship and hurt feelings.
—Gina Ragusa,, 7 Oct. 2024
That Cirie’s Traitors moves were conducted within a moral grey area and resulted in hurt feelings is typical for a first season.
—Vulture, 1 Mar. 2023
But the Scalise meltdown is almost entirely the product of petty rivalries and hurt feelings.
—The Editors, National Review, 13 Oct. 2023
Give a couple of examples that illustrate how misunderstandings seem to have led to hurt feelings for both of you.
—Harriette Cole, The Mercury News, 4 July 2024
By being applied universally, that rule was meant to avoid hurt feelings — the kind that inevitably follow when one husband is accused of bad manners or bad morals.
—Jacobina Martin, Washington Post, 19 Oct. 2023
Why can communicating online rather than in person cause hurt feelings?
—Eileen Finan, Peoplemag, 28 Apr. 2023
These moments can feel like emotional minefields, where one wrong step could lead to hurt feelings, misunderstandings or prolonged conflict.
—Mark Travers, Forbes, 8 Sep. 2024
Don’t let your ego or hurt feelings ruin essential relationships.
—Dominique Fluker, Essence, 12 Feb. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'hurt feelings.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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